I have seen the blue heron almost everyday for the last couple of weeks. He is fishing the creek pretty hard. It amazes me how they can possibly fly through the trees with those huge wings. As big as he is how does he fly from the creek so easily to the top of the biggest tree around? They are one of my favorite birds.
Lucky and I had a visitor last week, a beautiful cinnamon black bear. I have seen him several times this summer so he is hanging in the area. I got his butt as he was running away. He is on the right of the tractor between the tree and shed. Lucky always stayed his distance and did not try to smell his butt. Smart dog. That is a big bear.
My kitties were sunning themselves on the porch. Aren't they beautiful?
The seedum is beautiful in the garden right now. I have been busy putting in a new tulip bed and transplanting a few perennials. Bob and I have been spading up a new garden plot for next spring. I should be down sizing but.......Maybe I can come up with a cash crop.