Well I am finally home and posting again. I have been back from Ohio for a week but I have been so busy hoeing all the weeds in my garden I have had no time for the computer. Yes, I came home to nothing, (I first thought), but weeds. After much hoeing and hand picking I can finally see the rows of vegies. Yes, I really do have Swiss chard, lettuce, beets, and onions. I have also been busy setting traps and catching the culprits that ate my beans. So far we have caught two pocket gophers in the garden. I replanted the beans but it might be too late.
Here's the clincher, I awoke to 32 degrees this morning and yes the potatoes have been zapped. That's right, here it is July 4th and we have freezing temperatures. So what's new in Seeley Lake? Nothing! I covered my poor eaten beans and two lonely zuchs but forgot the spuds. Luckily I have beans and zuchs in the greenhouse and potatoes are cheap.
Here are a few fun pics from my garden on July 4th, 2012.
My thyme is beautiful and probably should be trimmed back and harvested.
The forever- onions are contortion artists.
This is a little taste of my flower gardens. The lupine and iris are bloomimg along with the pinks.
This is my native garden. It has snow berry bushes, solomom seal and a very fragrant white flower. It came up on its own.